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tv   Eyewitness News at 4  CBS  November 3, 2009 4:00pm-5:00pm EST

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up next at 4:00. a baltimore county baby is dead. who police are charging with the murder. eyewitness news at 4:00 starts now. murdered. rushed to the hospital unconscious and pronounced dead. what police say happened and who is behind bars. >> hi, everybody. i'm kai jackson. >> and i'm sally thorner. here's what people are talking about today. >> a developing story now. a baltimore county toddler is dead. and his mother's boyfriend is charged with first-degree murder. adam may is live now with more on the suspect behind bars.
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>> reporter: police made that arrest after realizing that the boyfriend's story wasn't adding up. today, the family spoke to wjz just hours ago. >> reporter: 15-month-old cameron williams, killed by his mother's live-in boyfriend, inside this essex apartment, sunday night, according to police. >> the boyfriend said that he had simply accidentally rolled over on the boy. and that's how this all happened. however, the doctors say that would be impossible for an injury of this sort to happen. >> reporter: damage to his lungs, liver, spleen, and other internal injuries. police have now charged brian savage. >> he had no remorse. if a baby died in your care, you would be terrified, i would be terrified. he just looked dumb. >> how could you sleep at night, knowing that you did this to an innocent child, not even of your own. it doesn't each matter. a child.
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how could you? >> reporter: right now, savage is being held without bail. adam may, wjz eyewitness news. kai? >> thank you, adam. what the family says they witnessed at the hospital that raised suspicions, new at 5:00. convicted serial sniper john allen muhammad is scheduled to be executed one week from today for the murder of dean myers. denise is live in the newsroom. >> reporter: muhammad's attorneys filed an appeal today to the u.s. supreme court in an effort to stop next week's execution. muhammad was sentenced to death for the slaying of dean myers at a manassas, virginia gas station. the 48-year-old lawyers asked virginia governor tim kaine for clemency last month. he says he has no intention of postponing or delaying muhammad's execution. nine others were freed. his partner, lee malvo is
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serving a life sentence. tonight on wjz, vic carter leads our coverage. hear first hand what people said about the reign of terror. it's been 2 1/2 years since madeleine mccann disappeared while her parents orp vacation -- were on vacation in portugal. they are releasing photos of what madeleine would look like today. >> madeleine is now 6 years old. this is how she might look today. >> reporter: british police say this is how madeleine mccann might look if she's living somewhere hot, like southern europe or north africa. >> if you know where she is, remember, it's never too late to do the right thing. >> reporter: madeleine disappeared while on vacation with her parents. >> it's devastating. it's the worst thing in our lives that have happened.
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>> reporter: madeleine's parents, who are both doctors, hope that the 60-second video would jump start a search for their daughter. >> british police are using the internet to spread the video clip as quickly as they can. they're betting the images will stir the conscience of that abductor. >> every time that person clicks to find out where we are and what we're doing, this is going to come back to haunt them. >> reporter: the mccanns are still believing their daughter is alive. >> we're going to do everything with law enforcement to try to find madeleine and her abductor. >> reporter: but child psychologists warn if madeleine is raised in a different country, she may not remember life with her parents or at all. >> they have scheduled many tv interviews to coincide with the release of the videos. the white house is watching two races very closely.
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joel brown reports for wjz, from a polling location in arlington, virginia. virginia voter mike colsetta volunteered today to send a message to the president. mike says he's a democrat but supports the republican candidate for governor. >> i want to see accountability. i want to see fiscal responsibility. >> reporter: voters like mike may serve as the biggest challenge to president obama's political influence, when it comes to getting fellow democrats elected. >> i think people are really excited about obama's candidacy. and i just don't think people are excited about elections that don't involve presidential elections. >> reporter: the president campaigned here, to keep virginia's governor's mansion in democratic hands. still, democrat went in trailing republican bobmcdonnell in the poll.
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>> instead, president obama went to support jon corzine. but experts warn not to overanalyze today's votes. in virginia, voters historically tend to vote against the party that is in the white house. >> the types of voters who are going to go vote in the polls tend to be activists who vote for the opposite party. >> but republicans tend to see a chance to gain momentum. the gop is hoping for big wins in this off-year election, could turn into even bigger wins next november. joel brown, we'll eyewitness news. -- wjz eyewitness news. >> annapolis residents are voting today to elect their new mayor. choosing between josh cullen, robert cordo and chris fox. after a typically chilly morning, the sun helped to warm us up a bit. outside right now, it's mild and mostly sunny. wjz has weather and traffic together. meteorologist bernadette woods
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is here with the updated numbers from first warning weather. >> hi, kai and everyone out there. let's show you first warning doppler radar. there is nothing going on in our area. but believe it or not, there is a front passing through. and you can see the showers are well off to the north of us. but what we are experiencing is winds turning off to the northwest. want to show you frost advisories in effect, almost area wide, as we head through the overnight hours. and it's spreading farther and farther south. we'll have that forecast coming up in a bit. let's check on the roads now with sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. so far, it's pretty quiet on area roadways. we'll hope it stays that way. but i can't guarantee it. watch for an accident involving a pedestrian. another accident in the city on south caton and frederick avenue. and there's a look at your drive times and speeds. 23 miles per hour. between 83 and 795.
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big delays there. 30 miles an hour, between 795 and 95. there's a live look at 95. everything running pretty smoothly there. the west side wide open at wilkins. inner loop between park heights and falls. eight minutes at 27 miles per hour. then again, between york and providence, an average speed there of 43 miles per hour. this traffic report is brought to you by the cochran firm. if you've suffered a personal injury, visit the website. new information on the h1n1 vaccine. it's in short supply. but now, health officials say new data shows it's safe and effective. dr. jennifer aston begins our flu watch coverage. the trial the reveal that amongst pregnant women, between 92 and 96% had an adequate immune response. >> the pregnant women participating in the trial have tolerated the vaccine well. and no safety concerns have
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arisen. >> and children under the age of 10 require two doses at least three weeks apart. >> and your son. >> more than 10 million people have received the vaccine. and no serious side effects have been reported. but at this point, the lines are long, and available doses, few. >> over time, we expect that supply will start to increase, and eventually catch up with the tremendous demand that we're seeing now. >> reporter: still, health officials are imploring patients -- parents to be patient and vaccinate their children. >> the risk of not getting the vaccine is much greater than the risk of getting it. and the benefit of the vaccine is clear. >> stay with wjz for complete flu watch coverage. for instant updates, log onto still ahead. diet sodas may help you keep your calories in check. but they can double the risk for a dangerous health
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condition. making sure all hospital employees wash their hands. that story coming up on wjz eyewitness news. on strike. philly transit workers walk off the job, stranding hundreds of thousands of commuters. and it's a mild, mostly sunny day. get your updated first warning forecast. [house] wow, i feel like a new house
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after my quick home energy check-up from bge. it's the closest i'll ever get to a day spa. they wrapped my pipes, installed cfl bulbs, recommended a little nip/tuck around the old windows and more. [announcer] learn to speak the language of energy efficiency at, and pamper your home with a quick home energy check-up. [sigh] ah... the efficient life is the good life.
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the man convicted of assassinating robert f. condition eddy -- kennedy is transported to a lower risk prison. he was transferred from a high- risk facility to a new facility, where his attorney says his life could be in danger. but a spokesman says sirhan requested the change and wants to stay in pleasant valley. a new study shows drinking diet soda can double your risk of declining kidney function. women who drank two or more
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diet sodas a day had lower kidney function. other drinks didn't seem to have the effect and less than two a day didn't cause a problem. andrea fujii reports from sinai hospital. >> reporter: hand washing is already normal hospital procedure. but now, secret employees will be closely watching. >> hand washing is routine for registered nurse, demetri. >> a lot of times. >> reporter: the maryland hygiene collaborative says hand washing should be routine for everyone. that's why they, along with lieutenant governor anthony brown are launching an initiative, in which secret hospital workers will oversee other employees to make sure they're practicing safe hygiene. >> proper hygiene is the most potent weapon in our arsenal. so today, we're launching a
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statewide operative. >> reporter: hand washing represents about $30 billion in nation healthcare costs worldwide. and it's a practice that providers say is vitol -- vital to cracking down on the spread of h1n1. >> whether washing or using an alcohol-based sanitizer. >> we're stepping it up a bit. and putting employees personally responsible and -- in other employees, to either congratulate them in washing understand hands or say listen, maybe next time, wash your hands before you go see a patient. >> reporter: demetri says he rarely forgets to wash his hands. and like others, it has become part of his routine. >> we need to wash before we see each patient. and after we see each patient. >> reporter: all hospital workers will be watched from
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receptionists to surgeons. with sinai hospital, if someone forgets to wash their hands, they won't be reprimanded, just reminded. back to you. >> thank you, andrea. this program will be paid for with recovery act money and the centers for disease control and prevention. mixed news today from wall street. the dow was down but the nasdaq and s&p were up. here's a look at the numbers. dow ends up down 17 1/2 points. s&p is up 2 1/2. and nasdaq up more than 8. >> johnson & johnson is handing out pink slips, just in time for the holidays. the health products giant will cut nearly 7,000 jobs. that's about 7% of its work force. billionaire investor warren buffett is making the biggest company purchase of his life.
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they are buying burg ton -- burlington northern santa fe. buffet says the purchase is a bet on the recovery of the u.s. economy. david freelying admitted to helping in the madoff scam. he faces time in prison, but has promised to cooperate with feds in exchange for a lenient sentence. ford posted a surprise billion-dollar profit last quarter. general motors has also had a good month, posting a 4.7% rise in sales. but chrysler reported a 30% drop from the same month last year. for more headlines, just click on cbs money in new york, i'm alexis christoforous. comic collectors from around the world gathered in st. louis. they were found in a st. louis basement.
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by a man who inherited the home. the entire house sold for $65,000. but the comic books were expected to go for an estimated $1 million. a first edition copy of the x men sold for more than $100,000 yesterday. >> wow. coming up on eyewitness news at 4:00. heinous acts of animal abuse. two brothers accused of dousing a pit bull with gasoline and setting her on fire. will they be tried as adult. >> which digital camera is best for you? grab a pencil and find out. and it's an afternoon with sunshine. get your forecast. for the top stories on, instant updates and first warning weather all the time, click
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not a half bad day at all. >> no, really nice outside. >> it's a really nice day out there. today is going to be the warmest of the next few. make sure you get a chance to enjoy it before the sun goes down a little bit here. this is where we topped out today. 63 degrees so far. the average is 61. so we were above it.
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but over the next few days, we are going below that average. and there's two different storms bringing in chilly air. so we'll get to those in a moment. but at this point, 61 degrees outside. notice, though, that the winds have turned around to the west/northwest. and it's already cooling down at west 48 degrees in oakland. whereas it's still 62 degrees in ocean city. a front has gone through. there really wasn't much going on at all. the rain was off to the north. cooler air is on the way. and because of that, frost advisory is in effect for a lot of us overnight. it is going to be a cold one. with generally clear skies, dying wind, and really cold air in place. some cases may actually get into the upper 20s in more of those remote areas. it's all because of this front here. but a second one is going to keep the cool air in place. it is way off to the northwest now. but clouds are going to increase during the day tomorrow. then maybe a few showers wednesday night into thursday
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is patting through here -- passing through. out west, some of those could be snow showers wednesday night into thursday morning before this front gets out of here. but the thing it does is kick up the wind and keep that chilly air in place. overall, for the forecast, looks like this. bay temp is now down to 58 degrees. small craft advisory in effect through tonight. but that dies tomorrow. winds sort of die down a little bit here. forecast for tonight, we are going down into the 30s. 35 degrees for our low. that's why the frost advisories are in effect. then tomorrow, we go up to 54 degrees. that's it. sun starts off the day. but clouds start to increase during the afternoon. and locking in that cool air. and a few chances of showers. front coming through. on friday, now, only looking like 51 degrees. but here's the important fact. for you, sally. i know this is important. we've had some gray weekends recently. but at this point, looks like this gets out of here for the weekend. >> finally. so maybe november is going to
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break the trend, that pattern. >> hopefully. tonight, for us on the proverbial pumpkins, huh? >> looks great. be sure to tune in to tonight's cbs primetime lineup. tonight, it's a new episode of the good wife, followed by eyewitness news at 11:00. and don't forget, it's another day here on wjz 13 this sunday. ravens. you can catch the game at 1:00, here on wjz 13. katie couric has a preview of what's coming up tonight on the cbs evening news. >> some of your favorite singers have been using it for years, the vocal enhancing program called auto tune that can make anyone sound like a pop star. so why are some critics so against it? that story tonight, ons the cbs even -- on the cbs evening news. a much-needed break for jobless americans. an american relief bill. cockpit computers. two pilots admit they missed
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their airport. how lawmakers are reacting. doubtful claims. misleading consumers with labels. eyewitness news at 4:00 continues with denise and vic right after this.
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it is 4:28. 68 degrees. scattered clouds. >> i'm denise koch. here's what people are talking about. >> parents across the country trust kelloggs' cereal. but could the words on the box be misleading your family? certain boxes of kelloggs claim to help support your child's immunity. that claim has lawmakers crying foul. >> reporter: skepticism from some los angeles parents, about kelloggs' claim that added vitamins in cocoa crispies can
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boost a child's immune system. >> some lawmakers agree. this week, the city of san francisco sent a letter to kellogg and the food and drug administration, requesting evidence of the immunity claims, suggesting the company may have misled parents at a time when they are increasingly worried about the spread of the h1n1 virus. >> it simply defies logic that thinking that spraying on vitamins and minerals, to a cereal that is otherwise almost 40% of its weight in sugar, makes a healthy product. it just doesn't add up. >> reporter: kelloggs contends that increasing the amounts of vitamins a, c, and e from 10 two 20%, the cereal does promote good health. they say these nutrients have been identified by the institute of medicine and other studies as playing an important role in the body's immune system. therefore, we believe the claim
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is support bide reliable and competent scientific evidence. >> any accusations that kellogg's is playing to parents' peer fear -- fears, the company says it started developing this line more than a year ago, before we knew the term h1n1. lawmakers are moving quickly to ban laptops and other items from airline pilots. >> reporter: the aviation subcommittee is expected to introduce a bill now. they want to prevent another incident like the northwest airlines plane that overshot its destination by 150 miles. the copilots say they were reviewing their schedules on a laptop in the cockpit at the time. the chairman said he was surprised to say that the faa doesn't specific prohibit laptops or dvds or mp3 players in the air.
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but northwest says it does have a policy against that. so it it has let go of the pilots. a major economic bill is headed to the president's desk. it may have much-needed help for home buyers. >> reporter: millions of americans could see their jobless benefits extended through the holiday season. the senate is expected to vote on a bill this week that would keep the funds going for several more weeks. and expand a tax credit for first-time home buyers. all but two republicans helped the measure move forward monday. it provides up to 14 additional weeks of unemployment to those who need it. and in states where the unemployment rate is 8.5% or higher, the employ -- unemployed would get eight weeks. buyers sign a purchase agreement by april. the bill will cost more than $22 billion over the next 10
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years. it's expected to win quick passage through both houses of congress before heading to the president's desk. >> we just are not where we need to be yet. we've got a long way to go. >> reporter: unemployment has already reached a 26-year high of 9.8%. and just yesterday, the president warned, that number could go even higher. >> we anticipate that we are going to continue to see some job losses in the weeks and months to come. >> reporter: just how much more remains to be seen. but new employment numbers come out friday. and economists warn the figure could top 10%. in washington, whit johnson, wjz eyewitness news. >> the senate took a procedural vote yesterday to block republicans from terminating the $700 billion tarp bailout. four students at the maryland school for the deaf will face charges in the sexual assault of another student. police plan to file criminal charges against three minors and one adult who lived in the same adult as the dorm victim,
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who was assaulted last week. he was treated and released from the hospital. a hearing continues at this hour for twin brothers accused of setting a pit bull on fire in baltimore. mike hellgren joins us live from the newsroom with the latest in that case. mike? >> reporter: denise, a judge is deciding whether travis and jermaine johnson, both 17, should be tried as adults or juveniles. the pictures are devastating. here they are. the 2-year-old pit bull named phoenix had burns on 98% of her body. feens was doused with gasoline and then set on fire. animal rescuers at barks tried to save her. but she could not be saved. >> phoenix' death prompted baltimore city to review animal cruelty laws. more trouble for a new england hospital. for the fifth time it has operated on the wrong body part. rhode island hospital has been ordered to pay $150,000 for operating twice on the same
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finger. the patient was supposed to have surgery on two different fingers on two different hands. the department of health says they should have marked each finger prior to surgery. in addition, they will have to install audio and video recording equipment in all operating rooms and retrain its employees. today's evening commute is proving to be a big obstacle. clark explains, the transit system's biggest union went on strike just hours after the game 5 of the world series. this morning, philadelphia is the city operating with very limited public transportation. late last night, septa and the transport workers union agreed to disagree and walked away from the bargaining table. as of 3:00 a.m. this morning, a strike is in effect. >> we're disappointed. i also think it's irresponsible of the union to go out at 3:00 and not give the riding public the ability to make plans. >> reporter: governor edwendell helped step in to negotiate
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negotiations. and despite a 13-hour marathon session, there was no deal and more discussion. >> but it is incomprehensible to us. we could not understand what this is about. >> reporter: septa offered the union up to 11.5% wage increase over the years. a signing bonus, along with an 11% increase in pension contributions and no payment increase in healthcare. >> it's unbelievable to us that they have turned down a five five-year contract offer with a substantial wage increase and pension increase. >> reporter: 4700 bus drivers, subway and mechanics have been without a contract since march. now they're off the job. and 800,000 commuters are left standing and asking, "what now?" >> the last time philadelphia transit workers walked off the job was in october 2005. the strike lasted seven days. back in 1998, a union strike lasted 40 days.
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we are enjoying a beautiful, first week of november. here's a live look outside. it's been a mild afternoon. beautifully sunny. but tonight is a different story. wjz has weather and traffic together. bob is here first with the updated numbers. >> we did have a weak front go through the region. you probably didn't notice it. take a look at radar. that front was right across the area. by late tonight, it's way off to our east. and we're eating another area -- getting another area of high pressure to the west. and skies will be clear. we'll have lighter winds. there's a good chance many areas tonight will see frost and freezing temps. we'll talk about that and show you who is under an advisory when we come back in just a few minutes. >> okay. thanks a lot, bob. let's check on the roads now with sharon gibala at wjz traffic control. the biggest issue is going to be a delay that you're going to face on the northwest side of the beltways. all because of an earlier accident. now, the west side is extremely heavy. you can see that at liberty road. that's the outer loop.
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jammed from prov providence to the national pike. meantime, on the jfx, watch for a vehicle fire reported in the northbound lanes. a new accident in pasadena, mountain road at north shore road. one still working. slade avenue at reisterstown road. another in the city on hillen at ramble wood. a pedestrian struck there. at frederick, one more on east northern parkway at bolonna. there's a look at your speeds. 23 miles per hour there. there's a live look at 95. everything running smoothly there on the north and southbound lanes. again, heavy delays running from providence to national pike. you can see some of them on the green spring camera inner loop. typical delays. and between york and providence. this traffic report brought to you by giant. you'll find thousands of real deal savings. family savings on sale for real deal. back over to you. thank you, sharon. well, it's early november.
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but retailers want you to start thinking about your holiday shopping now. one great gift to give, the one that captures memories. and here's today's c net holiday gift guide with the best cameras and video guides for the holiday season. ♪ [ music ] >> hot decks always change with the seasons. but you could never go wrong, giving someone a new digital camera around the holidays. and many of the hottest ones this holiday season are adding hd video to what they can do. >> first of all, these tapeless, flash memory video cameras are all the rage now. probably none more so than this flip cam. and yet this shoots high-def video. it's dead simple to use. has a built-in usb connection here to upload to your computer. only costs about $200. this one does not mind that i just did that to it. because this is what they call
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a rugged eyes digital camera. it's also waterapproach great for divers or butter fingers. if someone on your gift list can hang onto their cameras and likes to take great photos. this is the digital slr. called the rebel, t1i. these are the top of the line in digital. they have interchangeable video. but it, too, can shoot hd video. and finally, you may want to give someone on your list, an easily-carried, ultracompact camera. like this cannon sd40is. super slim, but still has a good sized screen. and yes, it also shoots hd video. about $300. now you can arm everyone in your family with a great camera and never miss a moment. holiday or otherwise. i'm brian cooley. c in san francisco.
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>> always spending my money. wjz is always on. go to for reviews and click on consumer news. going green to save some green. did you know you can save money and protect the environment at the same time? kai is live at to answer over -- one of your questions. >> maymany of you watch our special segments and have questions about how you can be an energy saver. here's what we can tell you about that today. one of the timely questions is, what should i do now to get my home ready for the winter season? so we took the question to our bge smart energy saver expert. what we found out is winter is a good time to have a qualified technician perform a diagnostic tuneup of your home heating system. make sure it works properly. it can help you save energy and improve your home's winter comfort. vic, back to you.
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>> okay, kai. thank you very much. and you can go to bge smart to find qualified participating contractors. wow, there i am. receive a $75 rebate. and remember during winter months to set your thermostat to 68 degrees or lower to be an energy saver. go to and click on our special section on the home page. >> all right. straight ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00. cracking down at high school dances all over the u.s. the moves making school boards upset. eticket. how one police department is using the internet to issue citations. and the sun is making an appearance this afternoon. bob will have your updated forecast coming up.
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an early morning fire in a building quickly turns fatal in the midwest. it spread in oklahoma city. three people were killed. and six people were able to
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escape from the building. but two of them suffered minor injuries. the cause of the fire has not yet been determined. they are still looking into that. a 7th suspect comes to light in the gang rape of a 15- year-old california high school student. police arrested a 21-year-old man on several charges that could lead to life in prison if convicted. the 15-year-old girl was rained outside her school's homecoming dance. while police say as many as 20 people watched without calling for help. a healing rally and a candlelight vigil for the victim was planned at the scene of the rape in the city. there is shocking news out of california. a 4-year-old boy is discovered in his next-door neighbor's dryer dead. >> reporter: what's even more shocking in this case is his 14- year-old neighbor is accused of killing the young boy. he's accused of drowning the boy and putting the child's body in the dryer. police say the little boy was playing outside his home when his teenage neighbor lured him inside. police say that investigators have suspicions about motives and those suspicions will be
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spelled out when charges are eventually filed. vic, back to you. >> thank you, sally. the boy's disappearance prompted an overnight search by dozens ever volunteers. the child was found about 24 hours later. police are looking into a case of mistaken identity. bail bondsmen barged into their home with guns. but they had the wrong house. they say the bondsmen even pointed guns at their children. both families say they are still surprised by the ambush. when a driver is stopped, the officer keys in the lrns plate -- license plate number into a laptop computer. the program is linked to the division's database. and automatically fills in registration information. police say this is not about writing more tickets. just about being more accurate. ever wonder how children behave or perform in school dances? one says he has encountered too
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many students "freak dancing." maggie rodriguez has the story. >> reporter: if you think high school dances are all good, clean fun, here's a rude awakening. >> i saw, essentially, what was a tenth grade girl, giving a tenth grade boy a lap dance. >> reporter: it's easy to find lessons in freak dancing online. students admit they have learned well. >> it is kind of like sex with clothes on. >> reporter: now, school administrators are saying enough. >> i think what was important was parents had to really see what it was that the kids were doing. >> reporter: high school principal charles salter has now put in a dress code and forced students and parents to sign a contract. >> no stradling legs. no bending over. no front to back touching, grinding. >> hands on waists only. >> getting kicked out for freak dancing seems a bit harsh. >> reporter: not the way parents see it. >> the way the kids were
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dancing, was degrading to girls. >> reporter: as kids get too frisky. >> we flip on the lights and may baccarat. anything that william shatner has recorded. >> in the jingle, jangle morning ♪ >> people just go, what is going on? get me out of this place. >> reporter: if you are coming to a school-sponsored event, you are expected to act appropriately for school. >> the principal who forced the kids to sign a contract before they go to the schools, says he's heard from several other schools across the country who want to do the same. jon goslin and his girlfriend have a public falling out. >> reporter: coming up on entertainment tonight. jon goslin and girlfriend haley glassman, round 2. last night, she broke down. tonight, will they break up in front of our cameras? >> are you really breaking up? >> as hard as it is for us? he needs to go and handle his family and handle his divorce stuff.
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and i need to go and be a 26- year-old and get my life back. >> reporter: jon and haley had come to show they were still together. and suddenly, were they breaking up at et? >> i feel like there is something building up right here. >> he said, this is when he gets emotional. >> i can see it. i see your chest kind of heaving. >> what do you want? >> i don't know. >> you're getting mad? >> no. i'm getting frustrated. i mean, you're telling me out there that you love me and want to be with me. >> i do love you. and we want to be with each other, but it's not healthy. >> reporter: will jon walk out of the relationship right here? >> also tonight, major drama at khloe kardashian's dream wedding. you will see the tears and the family fighting behind the scenes. plus, we are at the set of ncia los angeles. we will have that and so much more later, here on entertainment tonight. >> how could you miss that?
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it's at 7:30. here on wjz 13. the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow is sitting in arizona. the state is sitting on uncashed lottery tickets. the state says some residents buy tickets but simply forget to check them. but that big pot of money means the tickets are worth a glance. i guess the money goes back into the kitty? >> that's a lot of kitty there. bob turk goes to florida every now and then. we better have him check his lottery tickets. >> yeah, a lovely afternoon. bob turk has your weather forecast after this break.
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well, sky eye chopper 13. cruising over fells point right now. it's a beautiful sunset. >> beautiful shot. >> the sun will go down around 5:03. that's when the very top of the
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sun goes below the western hear hoizon. now, if you head west, it will still be up there. keep going west, you can keep chasing it until you go around the world. that's right. let's take a look at temps and conditions. pretty mild afternoon. and 61. dew points, very dry air. only 35 degrees. and that means tonight, we're going to get down in the mid- 30s. humidity only 37%. right now, still have a breeze. west to northwest 13, barometer on the rise. 30.06 inches as the new area of high pressure moves in across the region. 63, 38 today. and guess what, our average is now 68 and 31. record, 88 degrees 1951, 25 degrees. right now, 26 in oakland. they'll number the mid-20s tonight, by the way. 54 in cumberland. warm spots down to the south. 64, 64. and once again, ocean city coming in here at 62 degrees at the beach.
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west/northwest winds. winds have shifted around, bringing in some dry and again, tonight in the next couple of days, pretty chilly air across the region. in fact, so cool that much of the area, which has already had some frost, areas that haven't had frost, have a frost advisory. areas that have had frost have a freeze warning tonight. some spots will get down to maybe 32. around the city, i don't expect to see very much in the way of frost. not downtown. but along the beach areas, no. inland, yes. probably see some frost away from the bay. away from the areas. northwest baltimore, probably see some frost tonight. right here. tv hill, probably. eastern shore, as well. good chance you'll see frost tonight. delaware, new jersey, much of the eastern shore. and right on the western shore here. we do have a coastal flood advisory until midnight tonight. just a slight chance of very high tides. slightly higher because of the full moon. as far as the national map is going on, not much going on as
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far as we're concerned. high pressure gives us beautiful weather. thursday, however, a weak front goes through the area. maybe a brief sprinkle or shower. and then more reenforced cool air coming in after that. northeast winds coming southeast. 10 to 15 knots. bay temp, around 58. so tonight, it will be chilly. a lot of frost in the suburbs. 35, with the winds dying down. under generally clear skies. tomorrow, sunshine. and high clouds. cooler, tomorrow's high, only 54. today, we were 63. >> okay. thank you, bob. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. a 15-month-old child, killed. beaten to death, inside this apartment in essex. i'm adam may with exclusive reaction from the family. that's coming up.
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coming up next on eyewitness news at 5:00. murder investigation. a 10-year-old child is killed. exclusive interviews with the toddler's mom. twin brothers, almost 18 years old. accused of dousing a dog in gasoline and then setting it on fire. should they be tried as adults? i'm derek valcourt, coming up on eyewitness news. i'll tell you what the judge decided. as maryland receives more doses of the h1n1 vaccine, local governments are using different methods to hand it out. is any one better than the rest? i'm weijia jiang. the latest flu watch report is next on wjz eyewitness news. >> check in for more on these stories is -- and all the day's breaking news. new at 5:00. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now.


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